Back in February, I wanted to find some ways to become a more tidy person. I’ve taken some of those practices and put them into play. Here’s what’s worked the best for me so far and here’s where I hope to take these habits in the future!

Making My Bed Everyday

This simple habit has been the easiest to bring into my daily routine, but it makes a huge difference. There’s something about having my bed made that makes me want to keep everything around it decluttered too. And pulling back the sheets at the end of the day, they almost feel more fresh stepping into them. Which, speaking of fresh, now’s a good reminder to change your sheets once a week. I’ve been pretty good about keeping up the habit throughout the week, but I love spending time in my bed when relaxing. So some Sundays, I’ll leave it unmade because you can most likely find me snuggled up there with my dogs and a book or something on TV. When I walk back into my room throughout the day after I’ve taken time to make it, I feel less stressed looking at a made bed. Even if I don’t feel like I have my life together, it’s a good place to start.

15 Minutes

Alright, some more honesty. This one I haven’t been great about keeping up with like my bed, but when I have, it’s a game changer. Setting a 15 minute timer at the end of the day and cleaning what I could in that time always left me waking up to a less cluttered home. I think what I was most surprised by was how much I could actually get done in that time! And other times, if I was in a good groove and my home was feeling particularly cluttered, I found myself adding another 15 minutes to see what else I could get done. Something about the timer made it feel like a game. If I was tired though, I would let myself feel satisfied with what I did get done in the 15 minutes and not stress over missing some things. I found it was most helpful to do these chores with my 15 minutes: reset the living room, pick up dog toys, take any loose dishes to the kitchen, clean my bathroom counters/sink, quick vacuum of an area, putting away loose clothes or shoes. Even if you just do one of those things in your 15 minutes, that’s amazing!

ask myself the question

What would a tidy person do? I didn’t keep up with asking myself this very well. I see that in my shoes gathering by the front door (lol). The times I would pause and ask myself though, I would immedietly go put my shoes away. I noticed myself asking this the most when I would get back from a workout and usually be heading towards the shower close to my closet anyways. Maybe since I was already feeling like I was being productive with my morning, that made me want to keep it going.

Finding a “home” for everything

The true update here? I still have a “catch all” drawer. But the purging has begun when it comes to my clothing! I’ve started to remove the items that no longer feel like me when I swipe past them in my closet. Cooper and I share a closet, and it is currently feeling a little overstuffed with things we don’t really wear as much anymore. In the last year, I haven’t brought in many new items because I want to make sure I have a home for the ones I currently have and be more mindful of what I bring in.

One Corner at a time

I took on the biggest “corner” in my home recently. A bedroom that started off as place where I did photoshoots and video shoots that turned into the biggest “catch all” space. I’m starting a new project soon (more on that soon) which gave me the motivation to tackle my biggest “corner” yet. I feel SO much better. I finally enlisted Cooper’s help and having someone to be alongside me while I sorted through props and clothing and more just made it that much easier. It was so helpful having an extra pair of hands because every time I would open that door, I would feel overwhelmed and not even know where to begin. It might sound ridiculous, but it was like that room represented how out of control my own life was feeling, and turning that room into something beautiful and a space that I enjoy being in lifted this weight I didn’t know was there. Don’t be afraid to ask friends or family for help!

Thanks for reading! Leave me a comment letting me know the ways you are trying to be more tidy or drop me a tip! And as always you can find me on IG or find Cooper and I on Twitch if you want to share how these habits are shaping your life and home. See you next week!