I recently took a two-week trip to Europe with my family, and it was absolutely incredible. Seeing the sights, exploring with the people I love, and eating delicious food was truly amazing. But before I even get where I’m going, I’m a pretty diligent packer these days after doing a lot of traveling in my late teens and early 20s for tours and music events.

So I want to break down a few essentials that I think are necessary for any international trip. Some of these things were lifesavers on this most recent trip, and if you think I missed any, reach out on IG and tell me your travel essentials!

a Copy of your passport

Someone mentioned to me recently that it’s important to have a copy of your passport on you when you’re traveling. If you’re going to be out exploring most of the time, your real passport should stay in a secure spot where you’re staying, and you can take the copy with you out and about. You probably won’t encounter a time or scenario in which you’ll need it, but it’s an extra form of identification, and it’ll give you peace of mind in the event that anything happens to your real passport.


The adapters that you take will depend on what kind of technology you have, but bringing adapters and chargers for everything will just make things easier in the long run. Obviously if you’re traveling with a buddy, you two can decide if you want to share or bring individual chargers/adapters, but I would encourage you to have that conversation before heading out.

TIP: If you’re traveling with a bigger group (or even just one other person), it might be helpful to add some color-coded tape to your items, just so you can keep track of your belongings.

Small pill case (+ Bandaids)

Cooper and I travel with a small case of Ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc. to make sure that we’re covered when someone has a pesky headache, cramps, soreness, or anything else that might be annoying to deal with when you’re on a trip. You should check to make sure you’re complying with airline regulations, but this little case has saved us time and time again. And we don’t have to deal with buying a new bottle of said over-the-counter medication in another country. It’s always nice to throw some Vitamin C in the mix as well for a little boost.

In that same vein, you’re going to want to bring some bandaids along with you. I brought a few pairs of shoes that were super cute and good to walk in for a few hours, but past that, I think I might’ve ended up with some gnarly blisters if not for the bandaids. I also shared them with others on our trip who had minor scraps and such.

Wrinkle release spray

This Downey wrinkle release spray was amazing for this Europe trip because I ended up rewearing a couple pieces throughout the first week before we found a public washing machine. When everything has been sitting in a suitcase, you may find that the wrinkles are overwhelming, but with just a few sprays of this bottle and a few minutes to dry, it’ll be good as new! It’s so easy to carry around, and if you need to keep it under the three ounce liquid maximum, you can just get those travel bottles and give them out to the people in your party.

The best part about this list is that all of these essentials can fit in a personal item, so you can always have them on you, and they won’t take up space in your suitcase if you’re trying to pack light! I have found that these items can really turn a trip around though, so now, even on domestic trips, I try to keep these items packed and ready for every adventure.