We are about halfway through the year! I keep thinking about how fun it will be to look back on these recaps at the end of the year. Summer is quickly approaching, and I’m actually excited about things heating up. I’m feeling ready for summertime! But first, a recap of May:

One year of The Fuzzy Pod

This month we celebrated one year since the launch of The Fuzzy Pod! I feel like I have learned a lot through this process. I’m slowly becoming more efficient at editing again, I’m learning the best flow for an episode, and I’m finding more confidence in what we are doing each episode. I have lots of dreams for Fuzzy and have been loving every step of it so far — especially creating a little fuzzy fam community. <3

A weekend in Asheville, NC

I have so many trips I want to take, and many of them are just a drive away. And this month, I finally got to check a place that’s been on my list for a while! Asheville was such a wonderful weekend trip. From nature to history, to delicious food and breweries. Some of my highlights included lunch at Taco Temple, visiting The Biltmore and exploring the gardens, and hiking Craggy Pinnacle (one mile out and back with beautiful views). I would love to go back again and explore more hiking trails!

Megan Learns to Cook: Tortillas

My current cooking journey includes mastering making homemade tortillas. Each time they get a little better! I’ve been following this simple recipe I found on TikTok from Salty Cocina. The ingredients are so simple! I usually halve the recipe as well since I’m usually making them for just 2 people. Here is what you will need:

  • 3 cups of flour (and extra for dusting)

  • 1 TBSP baking powder

  • 2 tsp of salt

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter

  • 1 cup of water

Mix together all of your dry ingredients. Then melt the butter in the water. Once it is melted (and while it’s still warm, but not hot) slowly add your butter mixture to your dry ingredients. Mix and knead together into a smooth ball of dough. Cover for 10-15 minutes. Then separate your dough into equal-sized dough balls. Transfer them back to the bowl and cover for another 10 minutes, Prepare a surface with some flour to roll out your tortillas. Begin to heat your pan (or whatever surface you will heat them on) while you roll them out. Once heated, carefully add them to the pan and flip once bubbling.

Renaissance Faire

This was my second year attending a ren faire, and I love it every time! From choosing what to wear to exploring the different booths and stalls, to watching a stage performance. I think what I enjoy most of all, is seeing everyone else dress to theme! I saw knights and fairies and pirates. It creates such a wonderful environment to walk around and appreciate the time people took to create these looks. This year, I went on Fantasy Weekend and dressed as an elf. I hope each year I can put together better and better looks and maybe even travel to some new ren faires.

Current Faves

  • Digital camera pics

  • Homemade limeade

  • These denim flats

  • Quilted nail designs

  • Hanging artwork on our blank walls