It’s the season of pumpkin spice lattes. And I’ll be honest, I’ve only had a PSL once before! This season, I thought it would be fun to get into making them at home. So I set out to make homemade pumpkin spice syrup that I could use for my coffee and even cocktails. Starbucks actually revealed their secrets for their PSL, so we will be using their recipe with a couple small changes.
Here’s what you’ll Need:
3 cinnamon sticks
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground ginger
I tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp of vanilla
2 tbsp of pumpkin purée
3/4 cup of water
3/4 cup of brown sugar
Cheese cloth
Let’s cook
Bring your water and sugar to a medium heat, and once the sugar has dissolved, bring it down to a simmer.
Add the rest of your ingredients and simmer for another 10 minutes to infuse the spices.
Remove from heat and leave it to cool until it’s safe to strain.
Using a cheese cloth and bowl (I used a Pyrex here), pour the ingredients through the cheese cloth only allowing the liquid to pass. If it’s not too hot, you can squeeze the cheese cloth a little too to help move things along.
Transfer the simple syrup to container for safe storage. I love using this swing top bottle for simple syrups!
Now you have a homemade pumpkin spice simple syrup! It’s really so easy to make, and you can feel like a cutie witch this fall brewing up something on the stove. I like to make an iced PSL with my syrups! Some oat milk, a shot of espresso, and this homemade simple syrup!