Today is Earth Day! I feel like I need to say that every day is Earth Day given that this is the planet that provides for and houses us, but today we can really dig deep into celebrating, protecting, and appreciating Earth. We talk a lot about fashion, home decor, lifestyle, etc. on this blog, but for this week’s blog, I want to leave you with a few different ways you can embrace the Earth today and this weekend, and then I’ll offer you a few ways you can take steps toward sustainability in your everyday life.

A few ways to enjoy earth day

Go for a Walk

OK, I know. This one seems obvious, but it’s so often underrated and overlooked! When I’m having a bad day, sometimes all I need is a little fresh air and sunshine to turn the day around. Plus, there is so much beauty out in nature, especially with all of the spring flowers blooming, and you don’t want to miss it! It doesn’t have to be a hike if you don’t want it to. A simple walk around the neighborhood is a great way to celebrate Earth Day!


If you want to get out of the house and do something a little more intentional to enjoy spring, a picnic is an easy and accessible option! Yes, you can always go for a walk (and I fully support that), but a picnic is a great way to enjoy a meal outdoors, either with someone you love or you can use this time to refill your cup. I’m a big fan of fast and easy sandwiches, packing some fruit, and then taking a book and a blanket to enjoy the day. However, if you’re going to be in the sun, remember to wear sunscreen or protect your skin with a hat!

Ride Your Bike

Riding your bike is another great way to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, but even more than this, it’s a great Earth-conscious way to get around. If you work or attend school nearby, biking to and from will definitely cut back on your own carbon footprint, and you’ll get some exercise in as well. Always make sure to wear a helmet though, and be extra aware of your presence on the road!

Sustainable Practices to Adopt this Earth Day

Grow Your Own Fruits/Veggies/Herbs

Having a little garden that yields your very own produce is an exciting way to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Beyond this, it can be a really fun and fulfilling experience. When I tried out a Lettuce Grow Farmstand, it was a gratifying experience to try my hand at growing a few fruits and vegetables in my own backyard. I will say that I am not the most knowledgable about plants and gardening, and the instructions made this process incredibly easy to follow!


Composting is something I’ve been learning about more in recent years, and this is a practice I’m interested in implementing in my own home. Not only it is a good way to deal with our food waste, but I think it can make us more aware of the food that we end up throwing away. If we can become more conscious about buying only what we need and will use, then I think that will make us generally more aware of related issues such as food insecurity, poverty, environmental sustainability, etc.

Carpool/Public Transportation

We all know that car emissions are a huge source of pollution and a major cause of global warming, but I don’t expect anyone to just get rid of their car. People have to commute to get to work, school, get their family around town, etc. However, an option might be to carpool or even utilize public transportation! If you and a coworker live nearby to one another, maybe try switching off driving the both of you to work. If you live in a city with efficient public transportation, maybe try that for a week or two and see if that’ll work. Even if you’re just going out for a night with friends, carpooling can be a step in the right direction.

Reusable Bags

If you don’t already keep reusable bags in your car, let me impart this one little efficiency tip to you: KEEP THEM IN YOUR CAR. It’ll make grocery shopping so much easier since you already have them ready for you, and it’ll help you cut down on plastic use in your own household. I have a few really cute Trader Joe’s reusable bags that I love. Plus, I just find that reusable bags are sturdier than paper or plastic bags.

SodaStream — Or Something Like It

For the soda/carbonated lovers out there, try out something like a SodaStream to cut out aluminum cans. SodaStream has a ton of flavors, and it can be a fun addition to your home! The main goal here is to dial back that which we throw away frequently. If you often buy water bottles, maybe committing to a nice water filter is your goal. Whatever it may be, we really just want to be taking a look at how much and how often we are throwing away certain staples in our life.

As always, these are just suggestions, but I’m excited to try some of these out myself! If you end up making the switch or implementing any of these ideas, shoot me a message on IG. I love hearing from you all, and it’s so fun to see that we’re taking some small steps to care for our planet in our corners of the world.