Once we get into September, the rest of the year is pretty full with parties, get-togethers, celebrations and more. Whether you’re celebrating a holiday or just enjoying time together with family and friends, hosting any kind of get-together can be a lot of work. With food, decorations, table settings and more to think about, I totally understand why so many people dread hosting during the holidays. However, here are a few things I’ve learned over the years about hosting, what to eat, what you need, who to invite, etc.

home Cooking vs. Takeout… Food is food

Listen, I know there’s a lot of pressure around the holidays, especially Thanksgiving, to make a beautifully prepared and home-cooked meal. While I am all for getting in the kitchen with my family and putting together stunning and delicious dishes, it can be an overwhelming feat for one person. If you love to cook, maybe cooking for a crowd of people is your love language, but if that’s not your thing, there’s no shame in ordering food to be delivered. You can still plate everything and garnish your dishes the way you like, and it may take some of the stress out of the equation. Maybe some of your friends and family love to cook and bake and want to help out! Inviting everyone to bring a dish takes the load off one person, and it’s a fun way to maybe try some things you never have before. The takeaway: do what works for you. Your family and friends will be happy just being with you in your space, and the food will be delicious not matter what you choose!

a beautiful table setting does not have to be expensive

I have definitely been in the position before where I wanted to create a perfectly cohesive table setting for a nicer dinner party, but wasn’t willing to spend a lot of money on a set of dishes/silverware/napkins/etc. I’m sure most of us know the plight of moving into your own place and then realizing that your dishes are a collection of miscellaneous pieces of various colors/shapes/sizes. Even now that I have a collection of matching dishes, there have been times when I don’t have enough plates, cups, etc. But I’m here to tell you that you have options! Your table doesn’t need to match perfectly or have all of the extra components like a bread plate or a water and wine glass to be beautiful. Your table setting just needs to reflect you! If you don’t have enough plates, ask around and see if you can borrow some extras from a friend or take a trip to a thrift store and buy a cheap collection of fun and quirky dishes. You can even mix and match goblets from the thrift to create a funky vibe at your table. If you’re looking for cloth napkins but don’t have any, you can find inexpensive fabric at Michael’s and cut and hem your own napkins. If you’re pressed for time, the raw hem can actually be a super cute detail. Then, drop by a flower market, find some flowers that match your color scheme and drop them in some small vases or tall water glasses to act as centerpieces. Your friends and family aren’t looking for perfection, and they will enjoy seeing your personality come out in the way you put your table together! (And the best part is, you don’t have to break the bank.)

The world is full of great dinner party playlists

There was a time when I would try and create my own playlist for every event that I would host. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but it would definitely be that one extra thing that would take a little longer than anticipated. If you’re feeling like your plate is already completely full with preparations, hop on over to Spotify, YouTube or Apple Music and browse the curated playlists available. You can find one that suits the vibe you’re aiming for, and (speaking from experience here) they are usually pretty awesome! I still love to put together my own playlist for a lot of events because music is such a huge part of my life, but sometimes I don’t have enough time, and a curated playlist is a life-saver. If I’m really in a bind and I don’t want to search for a new one, this playlist is one of my favorites that I created a long time ago. You’ll definitely want music for your party because it helps passively maintain the momentum of your gathering, but if putting together a playlist doesn’t sound fun, let Spotify/Apple Music/YouTube or even my own playlist help you out!

my hostess must-haves

There are a few pieces that I ALWAYS use when I’m hosting, and I have come to depend on them so much over the years. Whether it’s a backyard barbecue or a fancy dinner party, these pieces have made hosting so much easier.

Beverage Dispenser: A sturdy beverage dispenser can make providing drinks at a party super easy. You can put whatever you want in your dispenser, and it will allow people to grab as much as they want over time. All you have to worry about is filling it back up when it’s empty! Check out these ones from Target, Crate & Barrel and Tea + Linen. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so feel free to shop around. With one of these, some disposable cups and sharpies, your party will create much less trash. Plus, it’s aesthetically pleasing!

Serving Platter: A serving tray/platter is a great piece to have if you’re planning on serving food. You don’t need to be serving a whole meal for a platter to be useful at your get-together. Something large and wide will be just what you need to display all kinds of appetizers and hors d’oeuvres, and combined with some little plates, you’ll have the perfect set up! I am all for having people snack as they please throughout a party, and a platter, like this one from West Elm or this one from Pottery Barn, can make that a breeze.

Candle Votives: Yummy food, a little music, good people and a great atmosphere are really all you need to throw a successful party. Creating the right atmosphere can be tricky, but candle votives save me every single time. Small candles strategically placed throughout a room can make for a cozy environments and the gentle lighting can help maintain a soothing atmosphere for your guests. These candle votives from Crate & Barrel are simple and will go with every setting, but if you’re looking for something more fun, take a look at this gold set from World Market.

You deserve to have a good time too

Above all, remember to have fun. If hosting feels like an overwhelming task, get everyone involved and divvy up the tasks! Ask for help from your friends, find joy in the imperfection of it all and enjoy time with the people you love. If you absolutely love hosting, you don’t need a holiday or major celebration to do what you love. Invite a few friends, pull out the games and gather together. Sometimes the most fun parties and get-togethers are the ones that happen for no reason other than a general desire to be together. You are the host, and you have decided to share your home with people. Make sure that you get to enjoy it just as much as your guests!