Now that we’re a few months into the year, I feel like now is a good time to check in and talk about new year’s resolutions, attitudes, outlooks and goals. Whether you started the year with a resolution and you’re feeling discouraged, feel like you’re kicking butt with the goals you set, or are not quite sure which direction to move in yet, this blog post is for you.

When I was younger, I would create a laundry list of big dreams with no clear direction each new year. And then, I would feel a hefty amount of pressure when I didn’t accomplish what I wanted to. Then I set out to create some more personal, achievable goals. The kind of daily goals that I had more control over and could lead to the big dreams I wanted to see come true. But with the new daily habits I wanted to create, came a strict lifestyle I used to glorify that lead to me beating myself up if I wasn’t 100% successful or if I fell off the wagon. I learned there was space for both the big dreams and small goals to coexist, and that neither of those benefited from the expectations and feeling of failure I would put on myself if I didn't achieve what I wanted to. It took me a while to see that when grace and commitment go hand-in-hand, I usually have a better shot at the things I set my mind to.

If you’re a few weeks in and you’re feeling discouraged, don’t be afraid to reassess. You are not your new year’s resolution, and there is always room to adjust or change directions. If you still feel a good amount of conviction surrounding your new year’s goals but have fallen off the wagon a bit, you can always pick it back up! One thing that has helped me tremendously is reframing my day-to-day perspective. Now, in my late twenties, I am trying to look at every day as a fresh start, a new opportunity. If I felt like there were things that I wanted to do better yesterday, I like to think that today is the day to try! If I can’t pick it up today either (whatever it is), tomorrow is another chance to try again! Give yourself grace to pivot and turn and restart and try again. We aren’t meant to move in a linear pattern. Life is full of zigzags and curves, so feel free to begin releasing yourself from that super strict outlook.

This year, I’m working on trying new things. My three goals for this year are to cook more (even if it’s just a five-minute meal), drink water more frequently, journal every morning/read more often. So far, I’ve learned a few new recipes, I carry my water bottle wherever I go, I’ve journaled more often (but still skipped a few days) and I’ve been reading at night before bed (sometimes for just 15 minutes). However, the biggest accomplishment in all of this is that I have been so gentle with myself in the pursuit of these goals. I am more intentional about not beating myself up if I forget to journal in the morning or only read for five minutes. Either I try to find time later in the day, or I just tell myself that I can try again tomorrow!

All this to say, my hope for you this year is that you will also be gentle with yourself. We have all been through such jarring change in the past few years. If you’re looking to spark some positive change, I’m here cheering you on the whole way through. Just remember that everyday is a new day, and that sometimes a little readjustment is all you need to start moving in the direction you want.