
One thing I’ve been trying to get better at is living more “green”! It can be kind of overwhelming to think about all the ways I’m not succeeding in this area. I don’t always thrift, I enjoy getting take out food, and I drive a jeep (but it’s also a paid off vehicle that I’ve had for 8 years…I do want my next car to be electric).  Instead of being hard on myself and paralyzed by the idea that I’m not doing enough, I try to remind myself that I can’t be completely perfect over night. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that it’s best to just take things a step at a time and start where you can. Here are a few small changes I have tried or am planning to implement into my life:

  • Reusable napkins
    Instead of reaching for a paper napkin or towel you’ll just crumple up and throw away, try using cloth napkins to minimize your paper waste.

  • Less take out
    If you are ordering take out, ask them to leave out the plastic cutlery to cut back on single use plastic. Wait until you get home to use your own cutlery or bring a set on-the-go.

  • Wool dryer balls
    I love my wool dryer balls! I used to go through so many dryer sheets before discovering these a couple years ago. They help reduce static well, and I’ll add a couple drops of either lavender or sweet orange essential oil to give my clothes a nice fresh scent. They come in many colors, but of course I went for the penguins.

  • Paper Towel Alternatives
    This is my next small step to take. I use paper towels more than I would care to admit, and I’m looking forward to trying these towels out!

  • GuppyFriend
    Ever heard of microplastic pollution? Honestly, I didn't know about it until researching for this blog! Products with synthetic fibers release microfibers that end up in wastewater, but products like this one help collect these so you can dispose of them properly.

  • Reusable Mask
    Something I don’t think anyone expected was to make a mask a part of their everyday look. Go for a reusable one that you can wash instead of throwing out after one use. If you’re feeling extra fancy, go for a nice silk one to help when you are more prone to breakouts or “maskne” (acne from mask wearing).

  • Makeup Eraser
    I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these! I heard about this one through my sister, who really enjoyed the product. Say goodbye to the single use make up wipes and snag one of these instead!

  • Thrift
    Not only is thrifting a nice way to save money, but it helps reduce clothing in landfills and the need for fast fashion. I’ll admit, I spend my fair share on fast fashion brands. It’s always so cheap and trendy, but I and end up throwing out so many pieces, because their quality over time deteriorate to where it’s not good enough to donate, and it can be hard to find places to even recycle those items. This doesn’t mean any of us need to feel guilty if we aren’t thrifting, but quality over quantity is a good place to start.

    I hope you found some of these small steps helpful. At the end of the day, don’t stress too much and do what you can! I would love to know other ways you are trying to live more green! Let me know on Instagram.

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