I know the blog has been inundated with a lot of fashion and lifestyle content recently because, let’s be honest, I love it! But another huge love of mine is music, and it has been for all of my life. In 2021, I created a Songwriting Guide because I wanted to begin sharing some of what I have learned in my time as an artist in the music industry. If you’re a budding artist, new to songwriting, a seasoned musician in need of some inspiration or just want to see what happens in the songwriting process, check out my Songwriting Guide!

Here’s a little taste of what you can expect to see in there:

“…inspiration is a huge part of songwriting. If you've never done it before, start paying attention to the chord progressions of your favorite songs. Is there a certain chord or progression that you tend to gravitate to? Maybe a few of your favorite songs have the same progression, and you've never realized it before. You can also take that same progression you love and put it in a different key that suits you better or to give it a different feel.

On a very basic level, there are only 7 notes in the major scale (of course if you have some music theory knowledge you know there's much more than this that you can do), but for now let's focus on the core of it all. With this is mind, know there will always be some overlap with other songs out there and that's okay! Just keep your melody and lyrics unique!”

To access the PDF, you can sign up for my newsletter and it will automatically be sent to the email that you use to register. Newsletters go out at the beginning of every month with information about upcoming content, links, blogs and a message from me, so you’ll always be up to date on what’s happening in this corner of the internet!


Lean into your strengths! If you feel lyrics are easier for you to build than melodies, start with that. Or maybe you can come up with progressions you love, but finding the words to fit the mood of what you are playing is harder to start. Be open to collaboration and share in each other’s strengths. You might be surprised to see how many writers are on some of your favorite songs. Especially if songwriting is something new to you, give it time to grow. It truly is a muscle that needs to be exercised. Happy writing!